Posts Tagged ‘Consciousness’


“There are many paths to the pagoda” ~ Greg Dodge



Several years ago, on my journey of self-discovery, I came to realise how little I knew about varying concept, ideas and systems of wisdom that exist in the wider world.  I also quickly discovered I was not alone in this unknowing.  Even the renowned 20th century theoretical physicist  Albert Einstein said the more he learnt, the more he realised he didn’t know.  I’m certainly not putting myself on a level playing field with Einstein, but if a mind such as his was unable to find the end of the rabbit hole, where, I wondered, did that leave the rest of us?  Then there was the classical Greek Philosopher Socrates who said: ” The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” and his student, Plato, who echoed that with: ” I know one thing: that I know nothing”.  So with a respectful not to my own limited knowledge, and with three of history’s greatest thinkers having also nodded to theirs, I figured I was not only in good company, but also off to a good start as I set out to uncover this thing called ‘wisdom’.

I recall a speaker some years back mention that research gathered from surveying 2,000 employees across the USA, Canada and UK  what made a leader stand out in their business, seven words were shortlisted.

  1. Wisdom
  2. Humility
  3. Integrity
  4. Compassion
  5. Honesty
  6. Passion
  7. Courage

Bring number one, this word, wisdom, was certainly worth exploring, so off I trotted to uncover this word, wisdom and get to the bottom of what it means and how to bring it into one’s life.
Whilst researching  wisdom, I became more aware of things in the world I didn’t know about and it became clearer that I was being more CONSCIOUS.   In Latin it means ‘Compos Mentis’ (mastery over mind).

In the following articles, I will share my journey of exploration into ideas, people, ageless and ancient wisdom, history, science, health, spirituality, religions, thought systems, free thinkers, philosophers. so much more and my new love, PHILOSOPHY (which means simply – LOVE OF WISDOM).

On this journey, which I am pleased to share with you, is to interest you about “things” that I have uncovered or learnt along the way that may just spark your curiosity about as well.   I do enjoy researching things that fascinate me, even when they lead no where in particular.   These things I call “rabbit holes” – because you can get lost in them, or you can stay in them, however, I always come up for air, as should you on this wonderful journey of exploration.   Experiencing life’s wonders.   Or as Joseph Campbell once said, ” Follow your Bliss”.

Some of the topics we will cover may sound at first “a bit weird or crazy” – but I want to share two new words I uncovered that will assist along the way.

Cognitive Dissonance.

Meaning – “Dissonance is felt when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs or opinions. If the dissonance is not reduced by changing one’s belief, the dissonance can result in restoring consonance through misconception, rejection or refutation of the information, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others”.

I would like for you to go forward with me in this blog article with an open mind and we may agree that ‘free thinkers” are what we like to call ourselves, as you will learn, like I have, that when you explore some of these rabbit holes with me, they will make you feel uncomfortable and even challenged at times.  Hang in with me, because the journey I want to share is not one about changing your beliefs to match mine – but to unlock secrets about the world from different perspectives that open up even more questions unanswered.  This is the journey of CONSCIOUS WISDOM.

Welcome to my mind.
(or maybe my soul expressing itself into form)
I would love to hear your feedback, comments, views, which will enable us to all learn from one another.  Maybe a good place to start is this wonderful poem to set us on the road less travelled.


Greg x